Monday 28 October 2013

Top 5 Historical Places to Visit






Spark you interest for the ancient civilization of Northern Africa. Come to the country of Egypt where the sight of the sphinx will leave you wanting to know more about Pharaoh, and the Nile river will teach you how the ancient civilization adapted to its conditions.

Tombs, temples and palaces are enough to give you a feel of this civilization and spark your interest to know more, revealing their strong beliefs, the mystery of their architecture, and the wonders behind their palaces.




Walk into the famous amphitheatre built by the emperor Vespacian, which is well known for its deadly scenes of wild animal fights. Get a feel of being in the Roman Pantheo which was once a temple for all the gods and don't miss the Roman forum with its ruined temples, basilicas and arches,all of which will have something to teach you about the ceremonial , legal social and business centre of ancient Rome. Also, do not forget to visit the once symbolic centre of Rome, the Capitone Hill which was once the temple of Jupiter. The Piazza Nova which was once the stadium for athletic contests and chariot races at the time is now a line of luxurious cafes that can give you a wonderful evening.With baths and markets, anticas and catatombs, Rome will have a lot to spark your interest in this civilization.




Get religious and arrive at the spectacular Nabatean city in Western Jordan, Petra. Get mesmerized by its great temples, tombs, surrounding landscapes and historical sites.If you liked reading the old testament you can visit the spring of Moses, Ain Mousa and the burial spot of Aaron, Jaba Haroun. Visit the Byzantine church apart from the tombs, temples, sanctuaries and alters to Nabetian gods, magnificent like no religious site in the world. Churches, temples, and monasteries each of which will tell you something about the Nabetian people is what you will find at Petra.


The Taj Mahal


One of the seven wonders of the world, and not without reason. Get an insight into the emotion of an emperor for his beloved queen that led to thirty years of working towards this monument, which will continue to remain a source of wonder for all time. Built to fulfill one of the wishes made to the emperor Shah Jahan by his beloved Mumtaz, the wonderful monument of marble today attracts tourists over the world .


The Perthenon


The Athenians decided to construct this building dedicated to Athena,which was later destroyed by the Persians. The decorated sculptures of Parthenon are often considered the highest point of Greek art.Parthenon is in fact the most important surviving buildings of ancient Greece.With its aesthetic appeal its stylistic conventions will provide any visitor with the norms of Greek architecture. Get a feel of the architectural refinements of the age and the cultural identity of the Athenian citizens ; come to witness this magnificent structure.


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